Monday, November 7, 2011

here i am in kursky russia....

ok...i know i left my blog for about 2 years this 2 years,a lot of things has untold stories kept inside....n,i wish to forget most of them...well..aft my two years struggling with my STPM reference books and hectic i am in KSMU,Russia....pretty cool uh?? of course...its -5 out there..mmg tak macam aq nk beku kn....haha...actually,i jz remembered the existence of my blog...remain unupdated...n,i jz signed in 2 check whether it's still accessible or not...n,here it is...masih sihat walafiat...n, life as a medical student begins here...n,i feel lost....i still wonder can i be a doctor?? cz,i feel like i dun hv d qualities of a doc which most of my Samurians friends who are studying for medicine does...Low self esteem i say...ermm...for d sake of fulfilling my late dad's wish n my promise to my bestest friend, Wan Izzah....wat else shall i write here....ok....d life here sux sometimes....u knw...diff people...diff country...everythng is diff...yeah..i knw i cant expect Malaysia and Russia to be d same jz because both name ends with "sia"..aish...i miss my family and friends there...feel like wanna cry smtyms u knw....those who are away from home will understand how i feel...n,sorry to all my friends who thought aq dh hilang or lost contact...its jz dt i had no time...n,bknnyer aq xnk ckp kat korang aq dh fly...jz,wanna wait everythng to be ok n settle down 1st....i dun wanna count on the chicks before the eggs hatched...sorry, 2 go....a lot of assignment to u soon,my blog....dahsvidaniya.... <3