Tuesday, September 9, 2008

just fought

i hate this life
i just fought with one of my best friend!
it is kanak-kanak!!!!!!trust me, we had a fight just now!!!
if i tell anyone that we fight,no one will believe!!
she is soooo ego!!!!!!!!
how could she just blame me that i hate her dormmates.huh?
please try to understand others feelings ok!
however,to kanak-kanak,if u read this i am truly sorry ok!
ok lar !orang lain tgh perah otak jawab agama,aku datang melagha kat sini!
ada ke patut ada budak ckp ranking kelas aku no.3 sebab ada dione!
aku tahular edione tak amek pekse agama,so that does not mean that is why result agama kelas aku terok!bukabn teruk apa no.10 jewk!
tu pon sebab ustad mujib tanda strict giler nak mapos(budak yg amek pekse yg cakap)
ok lar bye!

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